Extinction Rebellion protest in Netherlands ends with 1,500 arrested - BBC

Extinction Rebellion protest in Netherlands ends with 1,500 arrested  BBCClimate protesters decrying fossil fuel subsidies block highway in The Hague  euronewsNetherlands arrests more than 1,500 climate activists  Al Jazeera EnglishMore than 1,500 arrested at Extinction Rebellion protest in The Hague  The GuardianNetherlands: Police arrest 1500 climate activists at protest  DW (English)

Extinction Rebellion protest in Netherlands ends with 1,500 arrested - BBC
  1. Extinction Rebellion protest in Netherlands ends with 1,500 arrested  BBC
  2. Climate protesters decrying fossil fuel subsidies block highway in The Hague  euronews
  3. Netherlands arrests more than 1,500 climate activists  Al Jazeera English
  4. More than 1,500 arrested at Extinction Rebellion protest in The Hague  The Guardian
  5. Netherlands: Police arrest 1500 climate activists at protest  DW (English)