Nepal: US warns India over transnational terrorism bid in American soil

“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” -Marcus Garvey. N. P. Upadhyaya (Aryal) Kathmandu: The India-Canada high voltage diplomatic brawl may appear to have subsided for the moment to some, however, the fact is that beginning the inauguration of the G20 meet held in […]

Nepal: US warns India over transnational terrorism bid in American soil

“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.”
-Marcus Garvey.

N. P. Upadhyaya (Aryal)

Kathmandu: The India-Canada high voltage diplomatic brawl may appear to have subsided for the moment to some, however, the fact is that beginning the inauguration of the G20 meet held in Delhi, the India-Canada hostility that attracted the attention of the entire world is far from coming to a happy end.

Observers in Nepal believe that finally “India has yielded” to Canada’s accusations that were based on facts provided by world’s best intelligence agencies.

To recall, India invited B’desh, contrary to the expectations, to observe the G20 proceeding leaving Nepal and Pakistan high and dry.

If Pakistan is a competing rival and matching N-nation then Nepal is just the servant of PM Modi. So it chose its creation instead in the early seventies.

Chinese-built underwater tunnel in Bangladesh has opened to traffic says the Global Times.

The Chinese-built Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Tunnel in Bangladesh, the first under-river tunnel in South Asia, opened to traffic on Saturday, which marked Bangladesh’s entry into the era of underwater tunnels, reports the Global Times dated Oct 29, 2023. (Internet).

This must have caused headache in the Indian foreign ministry circles.

Beijing is trying hard to detach Dhaka from Delhi’s iron-grip, comment Nepali observers. Though difficult but yet no harm in giving a try at times.

Good news is that Pakistan in the recent days and weeks is trying to get included in the BRICS (Brazil, Russian Federation, India and South Africa).

The Johannesburg meet of BRICS this year has inducted many countries as new members. Though India will obstruct Pakistan’s induction yet the Russian Federation is interested on Pakistan.
We will come to it later.

Needless to say, this Canada-India feud sharply and visibly divided the opinions of Western nations on Islamophobic/Islamic religion hater Indian regime under the tight control of Indian Prime Minister Modi.

Western nations that are the allies of the USA for long, glued together thus leaving India alone in the world.

This needless to say, segregated India whose international image is now of a state-sponsored killer.

Nepal can become the best example wherein Indian sharp shooters have had in the past slain at least three high-flying Nepali Muslims from three different locations in Nepal some decades ago.
The fear of being murdered by Indian machinations remains intact. Open border makes it easier for India to act and vanish the other moment.

India considers Nepal as its extended territory and thus has prerogative to enter into Nepal and kill the one whom it thinks is the one engaged against Indian wishes and preferences.

By and large, Nepali Muslims have been the Indian targets so far.

India-Canada tone down the feud?

Having said all these, our own diplomatic sources say that except the urgent works like the granting of visas to students, the two countries are still finding it very difficult to recommence the same friendly behavior that once marked the Canada-India ties.

Broken hearts seldom take the form of original ones.

Nepali observers’ find themselves very close to the world opinion on PM Modi who coincidently say of Modi that he is an “uneducated man who makes fraudulent (Indian nationals call him FEKU-JUMLEWALA as an equivalent to our own K. P. Sharma Oli) promises to his people which has so far kept him intact in the current coveted Chair.

For the common South Asian countries, PM Modi is a regional threat.

The manner PM Modi and his Indian regime (the Godi media included) derided at Canada and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau immediately after G20 held in September this year in Delhi speaks so many things unspoken on India and its wrongdoings and the way India covers its crimes.

The entire India-Canada conflict incident gives an impression that India when found guilty and to cover such exposed guilt can go to any extreme.

Nepal has braved several Economic Blockade(s) imposed by India at different intervals.

The last one was, I recall, when Nepal was hit by a mega-quake on April 25, 2015.

The longer S. Jayshanker is the Indian Foreign Minister with split loyalty (he is personally an Indian, his wife is a Japanese lady and his son and USA national), India’s international image shall be questioned as the Indian FM is the most arrogant and undisciplined occupying an undeserved post.

He is also a ministerial hazard to India along with his PM Modi. As long as he continues in the current post in India, the Indian slide shall remain.

Back to Canada:

India went out of the way when one fanatic Indian diplomat/intellectual kept in reserve even accused Justin Trudeau as a chronic drug addict and that he was hurling rabid accusations on India under the spell of Drugs.

Trudeau was smart enough to have already whispered US President Joe Biden, who was also present in Delhi to attend to the G20 meet, that India was involved in the killing of Canadian national Nijjar.

And to every body’s surprise, Joe Biden instantly communicated the “Nijjar Killing” to PM Modi which is what doubled Modi’s anger and anguish against Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
A thief when caught red-handed makes every effort to prove his innocence. So India did all it can to dismiss the fact-based accusations.

Swami knows all about PM Modi:

What PM Modi is best understood and told by yet another Bharatiya Janta Party leader Mr. Subraminyam Swami whose Hindutva mindset is no less than PM Modi?

Swamy too is suffering from a disease (senility?) of insulting the Minority Indian Muslims saying that if a country has more than thirty percent of population of Muslims, then that country is sure to become a factory of Terrorism.

I recall the Harvard Professor Swamy hurling this humiliating and insulting indictment on Indian Muslims or for that matter the Muslims housed in other countries as well while talking to a lady journalist from the Global Village Space some years ago.

Here is some excerpts of the GVS interview with Swamy.

The interview was conducted on April 03, 2020.

“Swamy went on to say (in his sown words) that “where the Muslim population is large, there is always trouble,” which Yeung-the GVS journalist, countered by pointing out that with 200 million Muslim residents, India has the second-largest Islamic population in the world. When Swami stuck to his position, she told him his comments sounded “like hatred,” but he said he was being “kind.”

More is yet to come which explains the Harvard Professor Swami’s ingrained hatred towards the Muslims, across India and beyond, “once Yeung-the Interviewer, cited Article 14 of India’s constitution that states “The State shall not deny any person’s equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India”, he (Swami) told her she was misinterpreting it and, in fact, Muslims are “not in an equal category” to non-Muslims.

In saying so, Swami exposes his own academic credentials.

No wonder then PM Modi and Swami are colleagues and unfortunately housed in the same dangerous Bhartiya Janta Party that is now dreaming of making the entire South Asian landmass as Akhanda Bharat (Greater India) that includes entire smaller countries of South Asia from Nepal to Afghanistan and Pakistan included.

However, the Almighty was kind enough to tweak his own family when Swami’s highly qualified daughter, Suhasini, fell in love with an equally qualified Indian Muslim.

Suhasini Swami-the daughter of senior Swami is now Suhsini Hyder-the Chief Editor of the Indian newspaper The Hindu Daily.

Suhashini-Hyder is taken as an ace Indian journalist and her write-ups are being read across the world with great interest.

Poor Professor Swamy-a Harvard Professor believes that Modi is India’s Prime Minister who is not only unschooled but has submitted the Indian pride to the mighty China on many counts.

Back to the main story:

The main reason behind the Canada-India conflict was the supposed killing of a Canadian Sikh national Hardeep Singh Nijjar, as stated earlier, who was killed by, confirmed Canadian intelligence sources, an Indian diplomat posted in Canadian High Commission on June 18, 2023, this year in Surrey, Colombia.

India was quick enough to reproach the Canadian charges terming it as baseless. But Canada remained undeterred in its findings as it was soon backed by the Five Eyes Alliance (FEA) – which is an alliance of advanced countries that comprised of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

These countries, Wikipedia says, are parties to the multilateral UK-USA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence.

The US reportedly have had to intervene into the Canada-India feud as the US being a liberal/democratic country could not encourage the wanton killing of a Canadian national by India-its strategic partner in the Quad security mechanism.

The USA came in between the two countries as the US can neither abandon Canada-its confidant long time Western ally nor it can shelve India-its strategic partner in the US designed Quad security mechanism-a mechanism said to be a calculatedly planned tool to encircle China in order to cut the increasing influence of China across South Asia and the World at large.

Yet the US Secretary Antony Blinken while meeting his Indian counterpart assured him not to panic and that the Canadian accusations made on India shall not dampen India’s crucial role in the functioning of Quad instrument.

Canada-India continuing feud update:

Contrary to the rumors, Canada-India conflict instead of subsiding is going up.

If one were to believe to what the US Ambassador posted in Delhi, India, Eric Garcetti, has recently warned, reports WION dated October 05, 2023, wherein the US dignitary claims that the “US-India relations may get worse over Canada.

The WION report says further that the sitting US envoy in Delhi has warned the State Department.

This does mean that the Canada-India brawl is far from over as is being guessed by this scribe as well.

Garcetti reportedly has suggested his own country-team to limit communication with the Indian officials “for an undefined period of time”.

This explains that US-India ties too were experiencing strain? Perhaps yes.

Yet another wrongdoing:

The Al Jazeera dated November 22, 2023, reports quoting the Financial Times source which states that “authorities in the USA have thwarted a plot to kill a Sikh separatist in the country and issued a warning to India over concerns the government in New Delhi was involved.

Citing unnamed sources, the FT recently identified “Gurpatwant Singh Pannum as the target of the allegedly foiled plot.”

Pannum, however, did not say that he was informed by the US officials of the plot yet he said, “Let the USA government respond to the issue of threats to my life on American soil from the Indian operatives”.

Pannum, the Indian government believes, is the man who has vowed to create Khalistan (a sacred land for the Indian Sikhs) from within the Indian state of Panjab itself.

Ryan Lucas writing for the NPR news dated November 29, 2023, says that the US Justice Department has announced charges in the recent days against an Indian national for allegedly taking part in a murder-for-hire scheme on U.S. soil orchestrated by an Indian government employee. The alleged plan was to assassinate an American citizen who is a leader in the Sikh separatist movement.

The indictment, unsealed in federal court in Manhattan, says the plot was foiled by U.S. law enforcement. But the allegations come just months after Canada accused Indian government agents of murdering a Sikh community leader in British Columbia, raising fresh questions about India’s actions abroad and potentially complicating Washington’s relationship with New Delhi.

This then means that Pannum too was the killing-target almost at the time when Canadian Premier revealed that one Canadian national Nijjar was killed by the Indian machinery.
Pannum later admitted that he was the target.

The man charged with plotting to kill him is 52-year-old Nikhil Gupta, an Indian national and resident who court papers say was previously involved in international narcotics and weapons trafficking. He faces one count of murder for hire, and one count of murder-for-hire conspiracy.

American officials say Nikhil Gupta was arrested in June in the Czech Republic at the U.S.’s request. Gupta is still in the Czech Republic pending his extradition.

To recall, in the month of June this year Hardeep Singh Nijjar was murdered allegedly by Indian official working inside the Indian High Commission in Canada. India summarily repudiates the Canadian accusations.

Unbelievable Indian election results:

The just held State elections in India and the results that followed speaks that a larger than life threat to entire South Asia is in the horizon.

M Modi’s ruling nationalist Bharatiya Janta Party, BJP, won regional votes in three out of four major Indian States which is taken as a big boost to PM Modi ahead of a national election scheduled for May next year, 2024.

If the fresh elections are any indication then South Asia in the years ahead is sure to suffer the worst with the SA disaster that PM Modi is.

No country except Pakistan has the guts and capabilities to tame the threat that shall emanate from Modi’s India. Moreover, Pakistan thus needs a strong nationalist government at the center in the approaching February elections.

Pakistan needs now to form an alliance of some willing South Asian countries, like, Nepal, the Maldives, and Sri Lanka to rebuff India malicious designs.

The newly elected Maldivian President Mohamed Muizzu after the swearing in ceremony held recently said that “Lines of independence and sovereignty will be drawn clearly. The foreign military presence will be removed,” Muizzu reiterated.

Engineer Muizzy also said that “he will ensure there is no foreign military presence in the archipelago”.

Pakistan needs to extend hand of real friendship with the new Maldivian set up.

Smaller South Asian nations must form a coalition/alliance of sorts or else PM Modi and his ruling BJP will bring in disaster for these countries more so for Nepal, Pakistan, B’desh and Sri Lanka.

Albeit Baby Bhutan is safe for understandable reasons. How neighboring China in the North will take up the India’s upcoming hazard in the pipeline shall have to be watched given the fresh US-China reconciliatory efforts observed very freshly in San Francisco, California, USA.

That’s all.