Parents urged to delete their kids’ social media accounts ahead of possible Israeli hostage videos - CNN

Parents urged to delete their kids’ social media accounts ahead of possible Israeli hostage videos  CNNIn Israel-Hamas war, social media isn’t neutral  The Washington PostJewish schools, community groups warn parents to monitor kids' social media amid conflict in Israel  ABC NewsTikTok, Instagram Target Outlet Covering Israel–Palestine Amid Siege on Gaza  The Intercept

Parents urged to delete their kids’ social media accounts ahead of possible Israeli hostage videos - CNN
  1. Parents urged to delete their kids’ social media accounts ahead of possible Israeli hostage videos  CNN
  2. In Israel-Hamas war, social media isn’t neutral  The Washington Post
  3. Jewish schools, community groups warn parents to monitor kids' social media amid conflict in Israel  ABC News
  4. TikTok, Instagram Target Outlet Covering Israel–Palestine Amid Siege on Gaza  The Intercept