Revival Spreads to Texas A&M, Indiana Wesleyan and LSU: 'It's Not Religion. It's Just Meeting JESUS'

As the outpouring that began at Asbury University continues to spread, some of the signs may not involve massive worship services in an auditorium. There's still plenty of proof that God is on the move, like outdoor prayer gatherings and baptisms at more colleges, even secular ones that don't have regular chapel times. 

Revival Spreads to Texas A&M, Indiana Wesleyan and LSU: 'It's Not Religion. It's Just Meeting JESUS'
As the outpouring that began at Asbury University continues to spread, some of the signs may not involve massive worship services in an auditorium. There's still plenty of proof that God is on the move, like outdoor prayer gatherings and baptisms at more colleges, even secular ones that don't have regular chapel times.