US Green Beret Neutralizes Russian Death Traps Now That Ukraine Has Become a Literal Minefield

SOUTHERN UKRAINE – International humanitarian law bans the use of antipersonnel mines and booby traps, even in war.  But although Russia is bound by these treaties as a member of the United Nations, thousands of Russian mines now litter the landscape across Ukraine.  And one American Green Beret has dedicated himself to doing something about that.   

US Green Beret Neutralizes Russian Death Traps Now That Ukraine Has Become a Literal Minefield
SOUTHERN UKRAINE – International humanitarian law bans the use of antipersonnel mines and booby traps, even in war.  But although Russia is bound by these treaties as a member of the United Nations, thousands of Russian mines now litter the landscape across Ukraine.  And one American Green Beret has dedicated himself to doing something about that.