Upholding Democracy and Combating Corruption: A Call for Parliamentary Accountability in Nepal

It is crucial to respect the democratic process and uphold the rule of law in Nepal. Recently, Member of Parliament Bhishmaraj Angdembe highlighted the importance of investigating cases involving fake refugees and corruption. Speaking at a program organized by the Nepal Press Union district branch in Panchthar, Angdembe expressed his disappointment with the lack of […]

Upholding Democracy and Combating Corruption: A Call for Parliamentary Accountability in Nepal

It is crucial to respect the democratic process and uphold the rule of law in Nepal. Recently, Member of Parliament Bhishmaraj Angdembe highlighted the importance of investigating cases involving fake refugees and corruption. Speaking at a program organized by the Nepal Press Union district branch in Panchthar, Angdembe expressed his disappointment with the lack of cooperation from other political parties in addressing these issues.

While the government has shown its commitment to tackling corruption and investigating fake refugee cases, Angdembe pointed out that even the National Independent Party, which claims to be anti-corruption, has withdrawn its support. He emphasized that those involved in corruption and the trafficking of Nepali citizens as refugees should not be exempted from facing consequences.

Angdembe further stressed that blocking any matter raised by a member of parliament during parliamentary sessions is not legally permissible. The parliament serves as a platform for discussion and lawmaking, and obstructing such discussions undermines the democratic process. He urged the top leaders of all political parties and the parliamentary committee to take the matter seriously, as blocking parliamentary proceedings can overshadow the law and proper procedures.

In addition to these concerns, Angdembe also addressed the ongoing issues surrounding the naming of the Koshi province, emphasizing the need for a political solution. It is essential to address this matter through political dialogue to ensure stability and harmony within the province.

As Nepal navigates its democratic journey, it is crucial for all stakeholders to prioritize open and constructive discussions, adhere to legal procedures, and work towards effective solutions. By upholding democratic principles and addressing issues of corruption and fake refugees, Nepal can foster a more transparent and accountable governance system. It is the responsibility of all political leaders to prioritize the well-being of the nation and its citizens, finding political solutions to challenges that arise.